My God, May 5th can’t come soon enough!
The Rock Reacts to Oscars Mess Up
If You Go to a Bar in Boston, Don’t Expect a Glass
You think you’re local bar has idiots, take a stop in Boston. There’s been so many fights happening at the city’s bars recently, that Boston’s Liquor Licensing Board is considering banning all glassware in them. Yeah, that’ll stop everything, because I’m sure no one will think about using their fists.…
Kinda BIG DEAL for You Space Nuts
Every Space nut was waiting for this today, and it was just announced that Astronomers have found at least seven Earth-sized planets orbiting the same star 40 light-years away. What’s even more spectacular about this is that because the planets have the combination of being similar in size to Earth,…
Mystery Science Theater 3000’s Return Has a Date!
It started back in November of 2015 with Joel Hodgson opening up a Kickstarter to gauge the interest of a Mystery Science Theater 3000 return. The goal was 2 million bucks, which we thought was possible, but there was no way any of us could’ve expected it to hit over 5…
So Much Star Wars News, So Much Happy.
With Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi getting closer with each passing day, the news seems to be hitting us left and right. On our February 16th, 2017 episode we went over leaked information about the teaser trailer for that very movie. There’s actually leaks on the teaser trailer, THAT’S HOW BIG IT IS!…
Man Destroys Town with a Homemade Tank
That was the monstrosity of machinery Marvin John Heemeyer made to destroy half the town of Granby, Colorado when he was just outraged over the outcome of a zoning dispute. A lesson to everyone that local politics are not something to ignore. Man Destroys Half Of Town In Homemade TANK…
Does Trump’s Presidency Make SNL Funny?
Ever since the presidential race started people are raving that SNL got sooo much better. But have they really? First you have Donald Trump being portrayed by Alec Baldwin. Great impression, but he’s not a part of the cast. And Rosie O’Donnell coming on board as White House strategist, Steve…
According to the Boston Globe, the Patriots Lost
That was the paper subscribers of the early edition of the Boston Globe received. Now, even though the game looked to be the Falcons for a majority of the game, it really goes to show you the lack of faith some New Englanders have for their beloved Pats. Full Story: The…