It’s been a cacophony of new movie trailers this week. not to be outdone, 20th Century Fox has given us our first look at Logan, the third installment in the Wolverine solo movies…
Although adding Johnny Cash’s rendition of “Hurt” could make a video of me tying my shoes seem like a soul-wrenching experience, it really heightens the feel of this trailer. We also get a good look at “Laura” (aka X-23), an old as dirty dirt Professor X, and plenty more. Also, Wolverine himself looks like absolute crap these days.
I will say this: After having no interest whatsoever in bothering with this movie, I’m suddenly very interested. And that’s saying something considering my hatred of the rancid garbage Old Man Logan comic series this film is allegedly based upon. But we’ll more than likely just be incredibly disappointed yet again, as we were with those godawful first two movies.
We’ll all know for sure one way or another when Logan hits theaters on March 3rd, 2017.