The Formal British Way to Eat a Kit Kat Bar

Do the Brits inhale a Kit Kat Bar the same way we do?  Not if it’s served at a “formal British dining setting.”  This very English woman did a demonstration, and it’s all about taking “small, neat, delicate bites.”  

The Internet Hates This Skin Specialist for Suggesting Ways to “Improve” the Face of “Stranger Things” Actress Natalia Dyer

A nurse practitioner named Miranda Wilson posts videos on TikTok of how she uses Botox, fillers, lasers, and other skin care techniques to make her clients “look better.”  But she’s gone viral for reasons she did NOT intend.

She posted a video of the “improvements” she’d make to Natalia Dyer of “Stranger Things” . . . and the Internet hates her for it.  She’s in front of a photo of Natalia’s face, and she’s pointing out the stuff she’d do.

A “Chess Robot” Broke a Kid’s Finger During a Match

A “chess robot” at the Moscow Open broke a seven-year-old boy’s finger during a match.  The boy’s okay.  His finger was put in a cast and he played the next day.

A Woman Reads from a 1945 Article Called “How to Hold Your Husband”

A TikTok’er has gone viral with a video of herself reading from a 1945 magazine article titled “How to Hold Your Husband”.  Tips include “passing the breakfast table test” because he may compare you to the “slick chicks” at the office.

A Marriage Counselor’s Top Complaint from Wives

A marriage therapist says the secret to a more perfect union is practicing “active responsibility.”  If you see the dishes need to be washed, you wash them.  Car needs a full tank of gas?  You fill it up.  That’s “active responsibility.”

People who wait for their partner to ASK them to do a chore, that’s “passive responsibility.”  She says it’s one of the most frequent complaints she gets from wives about their husbands.